Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Trauma Surgeon's New Year Wishes

By Cynthia Leslie, MD, FACS
Director, Trauma Services

A lot of people make resolutions for the New Year, but very few of us keep them. This year I’d like to do something different by making wishes, and hopefully resolutions, for the many people who I do not want to treat as traumatically injured patients at Saint Francis Hospital’s Trauma Center. My hope is that a shared awareness of the devastation of traumatic injury will motivate all of us to do something to end the ongoing cycle of injury and death.
Let’s resolve to:

1.) Not run yellow and red lights
2.) Be more aware of the vulnerability of the many pedestrians who share our streets and roadways
3.) Slow down and respect the rights of other drivers
4.) Put down our cell phones and drive with two hands and a dedicated brain
5.) Never attempt to text message while driving
6.) Stop driving cars as though they were Nintendo games
7.) Stop the cycle of elderly car crashes by driving senior citizens to where they need to go
8.) Check on elderly neighbors regularly and often
9.) Stop drinking and driving
10.) Buckle up every single time – even in the back seat
11.) Always use a designated driver
12.) Drive with our brains and not our hormones
13.) Stop the road rage
14.) Drive defensively
15.) Think critically
16.) Stop the stupidity
17.) Temper the anger
18.) Enjoy the moment
19.) Remember that everything you do affects someone else for good or bad
20.) Always respect and protect women and children
21.) Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
22.) Tell your loved ones how much you love them, regularly and often
23.) Live as well as you can and as fully as you can because life is short and
24.) Remember that Death Is Forever.

These are my wishes for the New Year. Peace, love and safety to you and yours.

Cynthia Leslie MD
Director of Trauma
Saint Francis Hospital
Poughkeepsie, NY

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